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2010, 26, 43, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, camera, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, 26, 44, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, camera, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, 26, 45, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, drink, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, camera, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, 26, 46, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, drink, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, camera, Kiss László, László Kiss
26, market, stripped
RF - h1106386934
44, Sept, audience
RF - h1358656301
Sept, market, boobs
RF - h1393905771
2010, drink, audience
RF - h1147208673

2010, 26, 47, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, drink, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, camera, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, 26, 48, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, drink, beer, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, video camera, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, 26, 49, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, drink, beer, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, 26, 50, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, drink, beer, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, Kiss László, László Kiss
market, demo, woman
RF - h1208353904
2010, Sept, drink
RF - h1317972912
2010, apples, audience
RF - h1164592716
Fans, demo, fair
RF - h1359617259

2010, 26, 51, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, woman, pair, drink, beer, apples, boobs, audience, Fans, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, 26, 57, September, Sept, folsom, street, fair, market, demo, gay parade, naked, stripped, man, woman, pair, drink, beer, apples, boobs, Kiss László, László Kiss
merry christmas, Christmas, christmas card, pine-cone, fir, pine scent, apple, gold, nut, walnut, celebrate, solemn, holiday, family celebration, celebrations, ceremony, christmas decoration, postcard, pictorial, card, candlelight, christmas-tree ornament, christmastime, christmas eve, christmas day, boxing day, festival of the nativity, on christmas eve, on this side of christmas, christmas carol, tinkle, straw decoration, Jesus birth, nativity, christmas high mass, silence, quiet, delight, family, friend, friends, kinsfolk, light, shiny, together, familiar, cosy, feel, feeling, candle, sky, to gutter candle, Christmas tree, pinewood, branch of a fir, advent, decoration, affection, liking, love, beauty, beautiful, pretty, gift, warm, winter, composition, CD 0053, Kiss László, László Kiss
Christmas, christmas card, pine-cone, fir, pine scent, apple, gold, nut, walnut, celebrate, solemn, holiday, family celebration, celebrations, ceremony, christmas decoration, postcard, pictorial, card, candlelight, christmas-tree ornament, merry christmas, christmastime, christmas eve, christmas day, boxing day, festival of the nativity, on christmas eve, on this side of christmas, christmas carol, tinkle, straw decoration, Jesus birth, nativity, christmas high mass, silence, quiet, delight, family, friend, friends, kinsfolk, light, shiny, together, familiar, cosy, feel, feeling, candle, sky, to gutter candle, Christmas tree, pinewood, branch of a fir, advent, decoration, affection, liking, love, beauty, beautiful, pretty, gift, warm, winter, composition, CD 0053, Kiss László, László Kiss
2010, folsom, apples
RF - h1135085306
September, folsom, pair
RF - h1133718101
candlelight, merry christmas, postcard
RF - h1364296335
christmas day, nativity, beauty
RF - h1053535488

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